Satellite Workshops Submission
To submit a satellite workshop, you must send an email to the following adresses, before April 17, 2014:
You have to indicate in your submission :
- The topic of your workshop;
- The organization committee;
- A list of at least 4 expected papers with the authors.
The acceptance of satellite workshop will be given on May 5, 2014.
The session organizers will have to manage the reviews and they will send the camera-ready copy of all the session paper on May 26, 2014 to the following adresses :
Satellite Workshops already accepted
Satellite workshops list:
- SW1 - Complex Systems Digital Campus (CD-DC) UNESCO UniTwin Kickoff
- SW2 - Modeling and Simulation Platforms
- SW3 - Complex Networks and Dynamics
- SW4 - Space, Topology, Diffusion & Language (STDL): Models, Simulation and Visualization
- SW5 - Combinatorial Physics and Complexity
- SW6 - Dynamical systems applied to population dynamics in ecology and in epidemiology
- SW7 - Memristor and Complex Networks: Theory and Applications
- SW8 - Ecological dynamics in sport
- SW9 - Dynamics of complex living systems
- SW10 - Logistics
- SW11 - Chaos theory and applications
- SW12 - Evolutionary Game Theory in Networks and Structured Populations
- SW13 - Slow-fast dynamics: theory and application
- SW14 - Bio-inspired Computing approaches to Cognitive Hybrid Complex Systems
SW1 - Complex Systems Digital Campus (CS-DC) UNESCO UniTwin Kickoff
- Paul Bourgine (Ecole Polytechnique & CNRS, Paris, France), President of the CS-DC UNESCO UniTwin - Cyrille Bertelle (LITIS FR-CNRS 3638, Le Havre, France), Coordinator of the CS-DC UNESCO UniTwin - Pierre Collet (ICUBE UMR-CNRS 7357, Strasbourg, France), Coordinator of the CS-DC UNESCO UniTwin - Carlos Gershenson (Universidat National Autonoma, Mexico) - Jeffrey Johnson (Open University, UK) - Jorge Louçã (ISCTE, Lisbon University Institute, Portugal) - Yasmin Merali (University of Hull, UK) - Carla Taramasco Toro (Universidad de Valparaison, Chile)
The Complex Systems Digital Campus federates the Research and Educational Institutions worldwide addressing the challenges of complex systems science. It coordinates an evolving international network of scientists to identify the scientific challenges though ‘living complex systems roadmaps’, facilitating the sharing of research and educative resources to address these challenges. The Digital Campus has virtual departments federating the e-community addressing each challenge. The Digital Campus is opened to all citizens of the world to participate in solving the local and global challenges that lie ahead.The kickoff meeting will allow to share all the research and teaching programmes proposed by each of the 98 Research and EDucational Institutions that become members of the Unitwin over 24 countries and 4 continents. This kickoff will allow to start an efficient sharing of all resources for boosting the creation of e-laboratories in the perspective the pluri-annual Programme of cooperation,
SW2 - Modeling and Simulation Platforms
- Nicolas Marilleau, UMI 209 UMMISCO, IRD, Bondy, France - Romain Reuillon, ISC-PIF, Paris, France - Patrick Taillandier, IDEES UMR-CNRS 6266, Rouen, France
These last years have seen the development of many high-level computer tools and platforms to study complex-systems through graphs, models, simulations, data analysis, machine learning, model exploration… These tools integrate well known and novel methods in ergonomic interfaces to render them usable by domain experts and complex-system scientists.This satellite workshop intends to advise various tools covering different aspect of complex systems studying. It workshop will propose tutorials on several FOSS (Free and Open-Source Software) platforms and libraries that focus on the ease-of-use, scalability, collaborative aspects to enable complex-system study for scientists. During these tutorials, platform developers will present their tools, help new users to begin with it and advanced user to improve their skills. Scientist and software developers are welcome to propose tutorials. The format of these tutorials can be either 1.5h or 3h. The main part of the tutorial session should consist in a practical use of the software by the audience.
List of presentations/tutorials
TBADeadline and submissions
Proposal should be submitted before 30st of April and include:- the name of the platform,
- the link to the website of the tool,
- from 1/2 to 1 page of description of the tutorial.
SW3 - Complex Networks and Dynamics
- Benjamin Amor, Imperial College London - Mariano Beguerisse Dıaz, Imperial College London - Jean-Charles Delvenne - Till Hoffmann, Imperial College London - Michael Schaub, Imperial College London
This workshop aims to provide an interdisciplinary forum for researcher working on dynamics on networks and the analysis of temporal networks, i.e. networks that change over time. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to- statistics to monitor and predict changes in temporal networks,
- centrality measures for temporal networks,
- generative and evolution models for temporal networks,
- community detection in temporal networks,
- visualisation of temporal networks,
- random walks and efficient searching on temporal networks,
- epidemic spreading on temporal networks,
- dynamical and structural robustness and stability of temporal networks,
- agent-based modelling for temporal networks,
- control of dynamics on temporal networks,
- opinion dynamics and consensus formation,
- protein interaction networks and chemical reaction networks,
- inferring network structure from time series data,
- distributed detection in sensor networks,
- data collection from social media and data quality tests.
Scientific Committee
- Mauricio Barahona (Imperial College)
- Tim Evans (Imperial College)
- Petter Holme (Umeå)
- Nick Jones (Imperial College)
- Jukka-Pekka Onella (Harvard)
- Luis Rocha (University of Namur & Karolinska Institutet)
- Martin Rosvall (Umeå)
- Jari Saramäki (Aalto)
- Giovanni Petri (ISI Torino)
- Renaud Lambiotte (Namur)
- Marton Karsai (ENS de Lyon)
Deadline and submissions
- Deadline for submissions is April 21, 2014
- Submissions to this satellite workshop must be directly done to the local organizer(s) of the special session.
Website - Space, Topology, Diffusion & Language (STDL): Models, Simulation and Visualization
- Jean Léo Léonard, IUF & Paris 3 - Gérard H. E. Duchamp, LIPN, Paris 13
The STDL satellite workshop will survey and deepen recent aspects of the application of Complexity Theory (henceforth, CT) to linguistic data or to issues related to spatial and social diffusion of language (dialects or standard languages, “dominant” versus “minority” languages: see Massip-Bonet & Bastardas-Boada, 2013; Patriarca & al. 2012). A focus on geolinguistics (dialect variation in space and time), and the study of dialect or sociolinguistic networks (cf. Milroy, 1980, 2002, Milroy & Gordon, 2008; Mercklé, 2004) is strongly encouraged. The quantitative turn in linguistics, especially in geolinguistics (dialectometry, see Goebl, 1981, 2002; Levensthein algorithm, see Bolognesi & Heeringa, 2002, Beijering, Gooskens & Heeringa 2008; Brown, Holman, Wichmann & Velupillai, 2008, etc.), make linguistic data more available than ever to CT applications. Modeling and simulation is easier on quantitative values, e.g. on interlinguistic distance or similarity, than on phonemes and morphemes. In sociolinguistics, even the co-variationist method, initially contrived by William Labov (1972, 1994, 2001), is being applied to endangered languages, or languages scarcely described up to now (Stanford & Preston, 2009). CT enters the field of quantitative linguistics, especially in fields connected to linguistic ecology (Mufwene, 2013, 2001), beyond the bit complexity approach (Miestamo, Sinnemaki & Karlsson, 2008). The STDL satellite workshop calls for participants from various background, such as mathematics, physics, taxonomy, biology, linguistics, to analyse geolinguistic or sociolinguistic data, from a CT standpoint (Gribbin, 2004; Weisburch & Swirn, 2010). It will explore three strands:- Evolution & diffusion of language(s) in space and time: modeling and visualization.
- Competition models and Geolinguistic Spaciality
- Game theory (naming game, toy-models, etc.), Geospatiality and Topology.
- Beijering, K. Gooskens C. & Heeringa W. 2008. “Predicting intelligibility and perceived linguistic distance by means of the Levenshtein algorithm”, Amsterdam, Linguistics in the Netherlands, 2008,), 13-24.
- Bolognesi, R. and W. Heeringa, 2002. “De invloed van dominante talen op het lexicon en de fonologie van Sardische dialecten”. In: D. Bakker, T. Sanders, R. Schoonen and Per van der Wijst (eds.). Gramma/TTT: tijdschrift voor taalwetenschap, Nijmegen University Press, Nijmegen, 9 (1): 45-84.
- Brown, Cecil H., Holman, Eric W., Wichmann, Søren and Velupillai, Viveka. 2008. “Automated classification of the world’s languages: a description of the method and preliminary results”. STUF Language Typology and Universals 61, 285-308.
- Doan Nhat-Quang, Hanane Azzag & Mustapha Lebbah, 2013. « Growing Self-organizing Trees for Autonomous Hierarchical Clustering », Neural Networks. Special Issue on Autonomous Learning, 41: 85–95.
- Gribbin, John, 2004. Deep Simplicity, Chaos, Complexity and the Emergence of Life, London, Penguin.
- Goebl, Hans 1981. « Eléments d’analyse dialectométrique (avec application à l’AIS) », Revue de Linguistique romane, 45 : 349-420.
- Goebl, Hans 2002. « Analyse dialectométrique des structures de profondeur de l’ALF », Revue de Linguistique Romane, 66 : 5-63.
- Labov, William, 1972. Sociolinguistic Patterns, Philadelphia, University of Pennnsylva nia Press.
- Labov, William, 1994. Principles of Linguistic Change. Vol. I: Internal Factors, Oxford, Blackwell.
- Labov, William, 2001. Principles of Linguistic Change. Vol. II: Social Factors, Oxford, Blackwell.
- Lima, Manuel, 2013. Cartographie des réseaux : l’art de représenter la complexité, Paris, Eyrolles.
- Massip-Bonet, Àngels & Albert Bastardas-Boada (eds.), 2013. Complexity Perspectives on Language, Communication and Society, Springler.
- Mercklé, Pierre, 2004. Sociologie des réseaux, Paris, La Découverte.
- Miestamo, Matti, Kaius Sinnemaki & Fred Karlsson (eds.), 2008. Language Complexity: Typology, Contact, Change. Amsterdam, John Benjamins.
- Milroy, Lesley, 1980. Language and Social Networks, Oxford, Blackwell.
- Milroy, Lesley, 2002. « Social Networks », in The Handbook of Language Variation and Change, Oxford, Blackwell: 549-572.
- Milroy, Leslie & Matthew Gordon, 2008. « The Concept of Social Network », Sociolinguistics: Method and Interpretation, Oxford, John Wiley & Sons: 116-133.
- Mufwene, Salikoko, 2013. Complexity perspectives on language, communication, and society, in Ángels Massip-Bonet & Albert Bastardas-Boada, Springer Verlag: 197-218.
- Mufwene, Salikoko, 2001. The Ecology of Language Evolution, Cambridge Approaches to Language Contact, Cambridge, CUP.
- Patriarca, M., X.Castello, Uriarte, J., Eguiluz, V. & Miguel, M. S., 2012. « Modeling two language competition dynamics », Advances in Complex Systems, 15: 125-48.
- Patriarca, M. & Heinsalu, E., 2009. “Influence of geography on language competition”, Physica A 388, 174.
- Stanford, James & Preston Dennis, 2009, Quantitative Sociolinguistic Studies of Indigenous Minority Languages, John Benjamins Publishing Company, series « IMPACT: Studies in Language and Society ».
- Weisbuch, Gérard & Zwirn, André (eds.), 2010. Qu’appelle-t-on aujourd’hui les sciences de la complexité ? Langages, réseaux, marchés, territoires, Paris, Vuibert.
List of papers/presentations
TBADeadline and submissions
- Specific deadlines for this satellite workshop will be proposed.
- Submissions to this satellite workshop must be directly done to the local organizer(s) of the special session.
SW5 - Combinatorial Physics and Complexity
- Gérard H.E. Duchamp, LIPN, University of Paris XIII, France - Hoang Ngoc Minh, LIPN, University of Paris XIII, France
The science of Complex Systems likes to consider the notion of "level of description". On the other hand, the unfolding of new ideas in physics is often tied to the development of new combinatorial methods, and conversely some problems in combinatorics have been successfully attacked using methods inspired by statistical physics or quantum field theory. This Satellite Workshop is dedicated to research announcements and surveys in which combinatorics, physics and complexity interact in all directions. The list of specific subject areas awaited here includes:- Mathematical and Combinatorial local rules
- Combinatorics of renormalization
- Theoretical Computer Science for Complex Systems
- Statistical Physics
- Exactly solved models
- Combinatorial models for and of emergence
- Graph polynomials and families of polynomials indexed by discrete structures
- Noncommutative differential and difference equations
- Explicit schemes for analysis of dynamical systems: finite (combinatorial) and infinite (based on functional analysis)
List of papers/presentations
- Ladji Kane : Factorisations tangentes à l'identité
- Bui van Chien : Combinatorics of the $q$-deformed stuffle product
- Hoan Quoc : A scheme of noncommutative Combinatorial Number Theory and Physics
- Hoang Ngoc Minh : An interface between physics and number theory
- Gérard H. E. Duchamp : Analytic version of Cartier-Milnor-Moore theorem and application to diagrammatic computations
Deadline and submissions
- Specific deadlines for this satellite workshop will be proposed.
- Submissions to this satellite workshop must be directly done to the local organizer(s) of the special session.
SW6 - Dynamical systems applied to population dynamics in ecology and in epidemiology
- Pierre Auger, UMI 209, IRD & UPMC UMMISCO, Bondy, France - Rachid Mchich, ERMEG, ENCGT, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Tangier, Morocco - Jean Jules Tewa, UMI 209, IRD & UPMC UMMISCO, University of Yaounde, Cameroon - Tri Nguyen-Huu, UMI 209 UMMISCO, Bondy, France,
Ecosystems, communities, populations and individuals are exposed to important changes at local and global scales. The session is devoted to the presentation of original works in population dynamics. Population dynamics here is intended in a broad sense, including the study of molecule, cell, animal, plant populations. Hence, topics of the « satellite workshop » include modelling in cellular biology, ecology, epidemiology as well as management of fisheries. This session will focus on modelling using field data, model calibration, model analysis and decision making.List of papers/presentations
- R. Mchich, P. Auger and N. Charouki
"Analysis of the equilibrium stability of a Moroccan fishery management model"
Abstract: Mathematical models in ecology are usually nonlinear dynamical systems including a large number of coupled variables (6). These models are then difficult to study analytically. Aggregation of variables, which is based on time separation methods, permits to build, from a complete model involving many variables, a reduced one which governs a few global variables in the long term. In this work, we analyze the stability of a Moroccan multi fishery management model. Interpretations of our results can be used by the authority responsible of fishery management, the Moroccan government, as general recommendations for a better management of Moroccan fisheries. - Hbid M.L, Ben Miled S., Ramzi A., Khaladi M.A
"Mathematical model for larvae fish recruitment : effects of temperature fluctuations"
Abstract: Mathematical model of population of fish in the larval stage is presented. The model discuss the influence of temperature fluctuations on the recruitment of larvae in juvenile stage. The temperature is a key factor influencing the larval survival and development. It is also considered to be a good indicator of most forcing processes (seasons, winds, upwellings,...etc). We also present and discuss the recruitment rate formula both theoretically and by numerical simulation. - Fechichi A., Jerry M., Ben Miled S.
"Fishing Policy for a Global Hermaphrodite Model"
Abstract: In this work, we study a structured fishing model displaying the three stages of life cycle of a hermaphrodite population, which are juvenile, female and male. We associate to this model the maximization of the total discounted net revenues derived by the exploitation of the stock. - Chakib Jerry (, Nadia Raissi
"Management of salt water in irrigation"
Abstract: Let us consider a field where the water of irrigation (the water of the aquifer) contains some soluble salt of concentration c (positive constant) and the ground also contains some soluble salt of concentration s which is a function of water irrigation x. The dynamical model applied to a field of culture is based on one hand of the salinity evolution in the ground (inspired by the work of Plessner Y. and Feinerman E. :On the Economics of Irrigation with Saline Water: A Dynamic Analysis, Natural Resource Modeling), the water of aquifer dynamics and the quantity of water regenerated after a while in the groundwater. In this work we try to suggest an irrigation policy to maximize the yield of the field using optimal control theory. - M. Jerry ( and C. Jerry (
"A viability analysis for structured model of fishing problem"
Abstract: In this work we study a structured fishing model, basically displaying the two stages of the ages of a fish population, which are in our case juvenile, and adults. We associate to this model two constraints: one of ecological type ensuring a minimum stock level, the other one of economic type ensuring a minimum income for fishermen. The analytical study focuses on the compatibility between the state constraints and the controlled dynamics. Using the mathematical concept of viability kernel, we define a set of constraints combining the guarantee of consumption and a stock of resources to be preserved at all times. - Ali Moussaoui
"Global dynamics of a predator-prey system and its applications to biological control"
Abstract: A predator-prey model is considered in which both predator and prey are subjected to harvesting. The existence of its steady states and their stability (local and global) are studied using Eigenvalue analysis. The problem of determining the optimal harvesting policy is then solved by using Pontryagin’s maximum principle. - N.Raïssi(, C.Sanogo(, M.Serhani(
"Multi-fishery Management: Differential games approach"
Abstract: The need of planning fishery motivate the development of multi fishery models. Halieutic resources in Morocco are important enough to allow foreign fleet to operate in its Excusive Economic Area (EEA). Neverthelessit is necessary to define terms and conditions of foreign fleet access to fishery, in order to avoid to bankrupt domestic fleet which operate in the same fishery area. In a previous work N.Raissi [4] suggests a fishery model analyzed in the framework of bilevel optimization theory. The result leads to collapse of less efficient fleet. In order to avoid this undesirable situation we usedifferential game theory and the adapted concept of Nash equilibrium. This analysis will guaranteeto both fleet to harvest and share the same resource. In [1] Colin Clark found the optimal effort in the competitive case. He shows that the less efficient fleethas to quit fishery and only the more efficient still harvest. He also determine Pareto front in cooperative case. C.Mullon et P.Fréonin [3] show in a discrete context, the existence of Nash equilibrium corresponding to fishery model involving several fishery areas as well as several fleets. L.DoyenetJ.C.Perreau in [2] use both viability approach and game theory in order to analyze the impact of bioeconomic constraints onresource dynamic. They show that some kind of stability could be obtained only if the initial values of resource stocks are enough high. Otherwise, forweak levels, the more efficient fleet force the less efficient to leave the fishery. In this present work, we identify a competitive Nash equilibrium candidate assuring fleet cohabitation. We also proof the trajectory optimality leading to the equilibrium, using marginal analysisofHamilton-Jacobi equation.
[1] C.W.Clark, (1990), Mathematical Bioeconomics : the Optimal Management of Renewable Resources, 2nded., John Wiley and Sons, New York.
[2] L.DoyenJ.C.Pereau, Sustainable coalitions in the commons, Cahiers du GREThA n ̊2009-15.
[3] C. Mullon P. Fréon, (2005), Prototype of an integrated model of the worldwide system of small pelagic fisheries. In R.Hannesson, M.Barange and S.F.Herrick.Climate Change and the Economics of the World’s Fisheries : Examples of Small Pelagic Stocks. Edward Elgar Publi- shing, NewHorizons in Environmental Economics, Cheltenham, UK.pp. 262-295.
[4] N.Raissi, (2001), Features of bioeconomic models for the optimal management of a fishery exploited by two fleets, Natural resources modelling, volume 14, number 2, 287-310 . - Jean Jules TEWA
"Global and local bifurcations in a ratio-dependent predator-prey model with SIS infectious disease"
Abstract: Two ratio-dependent predator-prey models with disease only in prey population and in both populations are proposed. For these models, we investigate the existence of local and global bifurcations trough the qualitative properties of solutions. The existence of homoclinic and heteroclinic bifurcations for the model without disease is established in a di erent and simplest manner to what has been done by Kuang and beretta. The existence of homoclinic and heteroclinic bifurcations for the model with disease only in prey and with disease in both populations is established. The existence of a saddle-node bifurcation is also established for the two models. A discussion on the existence of a H opf bifurcation is carried out for the model without desease. Finally, we use non-standards numerical schemes to illustrate our results. - Mansal F., Nguyen-Huu T., Auger P., Baldé M.
"Mathematical model of a fishery with demand/supply dynamics"
Abstract: we present a mathematical bioeconomic model of a fishery with a variable price. The model describes the time evolution of the resource, the fishing effort and the price which is assumed to vary with respect to supply and demand. The supply is the instantaneous catch while the demand function is assumed to be a monotone decreasing function of price. We show that a generic Market Price Equation (MPE) can be derived and has to be solved to calculate non trivial equilibria of the model. This Market Price Equation (MPE) can have 1, 2 or 3 equilibria. We perform local and global stability of equilibria. The MPE is extended to two cases: an age-structured fish population and a fishery with storage of the resource. - Ly S., Auger P., Baldé M.
"A bioeconomic model of a multi-site fishery with non linear demand function: number of sites optimizing the total catch."
Abstract: We present a mathematical model of a fishery which takes into account the evolution of the resource, fish and boat movement between different sites, fishing effort and price that varies with respect to supply and demand. Movements of the boats and resource as well as the variation of the price occur at a fast time scale, which allows using methods of aggregation of variables to derive an approximate model governing a reduced number of global variables. We analytically determine the asymptotic behavior and show that the system may end either in a sustainable state or in an over-exploitation state. - Nguyen-Huu T., Mose V., Auger P.
"Modelling dynamics of ungulates populations in Amboseli National Park, Kenya"
Abstract: We present a mathematical model of ungulates populations in Amboseli National Park area. The model explicitly considers the spatial dimension, including habitat fragmentation and evolution of resources such as vegetation density and quality. The model is based on an energy budget demographic model which consists of Ordinary Differential Equations. The dispersal of animals inside the area is based on a statistical study of the distribution of animals, which is a function of several factors such as vegetation quantity and quality. - Nathalie Corson (LMAH, Le Havre), Nicolas Marilleau (UMI 209 UMMISCO, Bondy) ,
Jonathan Pascalie (LACL, ISC-PIF, Paris ), Martin Potier (LACL, Créteil),
Antoine Spicher (LACL, Créteil)
"Managing the Interoperability Between Models of a Complex System - Application to Prey-Predator Multi-Modeling"
Abstract: The richness of tools and methodologies available for the study of a complex system often leads to the elaboration of different independent models. The development of these models faces its limits since each model only focuses on some aspects (points of view) of the system. In order to enrich the description of the studied system, an emergent tendency consists in taking advantage of simple models by interfacing them instead of complexifying a unique model (often at the expense of the results). This paper tackles interoperability of models based on various paradigms (e.g. ODE, Stochastic laws or agent). We first propose an original classification of models (compared to the more usual comparison of paradigms) based on their relations to space and time. This classification is then used to establish relations between models and to transpose some results from one model to another. We exemplify our proposition on different toy models of a Prey-Predator system. - Gustavo Cruz
"Dynamics of a cancerous tumor growth under the effect of therapy"
Abstract: Recently there has been several attempts to develop different ways of immunotherapies for cancer including certain types of vaccines to activate an specific immuno response. In this work we present a population type model for the growth of a tumor under the effect of different types of therapies. First we present a model for the growth of a tumor couple to the immune system. We present the effect on its dynamics of two types of immuno-therapy, passive and active. It will be shown that in this regime immunotherapy either finish with the tumor or stop its growth keeping it under the threshhold of vascularization. We then study the effect of these terapies for a vascularized tumor. In this case most of the times immunotherapy cannot stop the growth of the tumor and chemotherapy must be used. If time allows, we will show the effect of two styles of chemotherapy on the tumor, the traditional chemotherapy and a more recent way of administration known as metronomic chemotherapy.
Deadline and submissions
- Specific deadlines for this satellite workshop will be proposed.
- Submissions to this satellite workshop must be directly done to the local organizer(s) of the special session.
SW7 - Memristor and Complex Networks: Theory and Applications
- Valentina LANZA, LMAH, FR-CNRS 3335, Le Havre, France - Fernando CORINTO, Politecnico di Torino, Italia
This special session aims to provide a broad survey on recent trends on complex networks with adaptive interactions, including recent advances of memristor technology for dynamic couplings. The special session includes contributed papers that will deal with the key research topics on memristor technology in nonlinear network arrays, the emergence of synchronized patterns and the applications in neuromorphic networks.List of papers/presentations
- Miroslav MIRCHEV and Ljupco KOCAREV (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University)
- Ronald Tetzlaff and Alon ASCOLI (TUD)
- Michel BONNIN and Fernando CORINTO (Politecnico di Torino)
- Keyong-Sik MIN (Kookmin University)
Deadline and submissions
- Specific deadlines for this satellite workshop will be proposed.
- Submissions to this satellite workshop must be directly done to the local organizer(s) of the special session.
SW8 - Ecological dynamics in sport
- Ludovic SEIFERT, CETAPS, Rouen, France
Ecological dynamics framework advocates that there is an intertwined relationship between the specific intentions, perceptions and actions of individual, which constrains this relationship between coordination pattern stability and variability in each individual performer. This workshop will attempt to emphasise the key theoretical and methodological issues to investigate coordination pattern variability and stability in relation to interacting constraints (task, environment and organismic) that performer may encounter, in order to highlight how athletes individually adapt their behaviour in a functional way. This new approach of the problem (movement and coordination variability in sport) invite to re-think the training and teaching process by manipulating key constraints to make emerge adaptive pattern of coordination instead of teaching and training ‘ideal’ pattern of coordination.List of papers/presentations
- K. Davids: Introduction to Ecological dynamics framework
- J. Komar: Dynamics of learning in swimming
- R. Charrier & N. Corson: Arm and leg oscillation modelling in swimming
- D. Orth: Representative learning design in climbing
- L. Seifert (Chairman): Movement variability and affordance detection in ice climbing
- I. Renshaw: Affective learning design
- R. Thouvarecq: Stochasticity and determinism of postural coordination during standing task
Deadline and submissions
- Specific deadlines for this satellite workshop will be proposed.
- Submissions to this satellite workshop must be directly done to the local organizer(s) of the special session.
SW9 - Dynamics of complex living systems
- Christophe Letellier, CORIA, University of Rouen, France
Living systems are complex in the sense that they result from a collective behavior of a huge number of elements (as cells for instance) or are made of very few elements affected by many external factors (as the heart or two interacting peoples). This satellite workshop is intended for stimulating interactions between different peoples working in various field as biological networks, biomedicine, cognition, learning processes, etc.List of papers/presentations
- Irene Sendina-Nadal (King Juan carlos University),
Longitudinal network analysis of neuronal cultures
Abstract: The issue of why and how an assembly of isolated (cultured) neurons self-organizes to form a complex neural network is a fundamental problem. Despite their more limited, and yet laboratory-controllable, repertoire of responses, the understanding of such cultures' organization is, indeed, a basis for the comprehension of the mechanisms involved in their in vivo counterparts, and provide a useful framework for the investigation of neuronal network development in real biological systems. In vitro primary cultures of dissociated invertebrate neurons from locust ganglia are used to experimentally investigate the morphological and topological evolution of assemblies of living neurons, as they self-organize from collections of separated cells into elaborated, clustered, networks. At all the different stages of the culture's development, identification of neurons' and neurites' location by means of a dedicated software allows to ultimately extract an adjacency matrix from each image of the culture. In turn, a systematic statistical analysis of a group of topological observables grants us the possibility of quantifying and tracking the progression of the main network's characteristics during the self-organization process of the culture. Our results point to the existence of a particular state corresponding to a small-world network configuration, in which several relevant graph's micro- and meso-scale properties emerge. Finally, we identify the main physical processes ruling the culture's morphological transformations, and embed them into a simplified growth model qualitatively reproducing the overall set of experimental observations. - L. Viger, F. Denis, M. Rosalie & C. Letellier (CORIA - Université de Rouen)
A cancer model for the angiogenic switch
Abstract: The occurrence of metastasis is an important feature in cancer development. In order to have a one-site model taking into account the interactions between host, effector immune and tumor cells which is not only valid for the early stages of tumor growth but also for vascular tumor growth, we developed a new model where are incorporated interactions of these three cell populations with endothelial cells. These latter cells are responsible for the neo-vascularization of the tumor site which allows migration of tumor cells to distant sites. It is thus shown that, for some parameter values, the resulting model for the four cell populations reproduces the angiogenic switch, that is, the transition from avascular to vascular tumor. - Massimo Di Felice (ENSEA, Cergy Pontoise),
Controllability and stabilizability analysis of a cancer chaotic system
Abstract: A four-dimensional cancer model describing interactions between host, immune, tumor and endothelial cells was investigated via a stability analysis exibiting the key parameter for controlling the dynamics toward a tumor-free site. Such a result was also supported by a less local approach based on a Lyapunov function. A treatment based on an impulsive control technique was proposed: the effect of the delay with which the action (killing a certain amount of the tumor cells) is applied was also investigated. - Emeline Fresnel (CORIA - Université de Rouen)
Characterization of cardiodynamics from first-return maps on Delta-RR intervals. Application to different pathological groups
Abstract: Heart rate variability analysis using 24-hour Holter monitoring is frequently performed to assess the cardiovascular status of a patient. The studies are typically based on the beat-to-beat intervals (RR) and time or frequency-dependent domain indicators. In the present study, we started from the beat-to-beat interval variations or $\Delta$RR which offer a better view of the underlying structures ruling the cardiodynamics. Using first-return maps built on the $\Delta$RR, we observed different patterns of cardiodynamics which are investigated via a symbolic dynamics using an age-dependant partition. We computed a Shannon entropy, quantifying the complexity underlying the cardiac variability, and an asymmetry coefficient, here introduced to quantify the balance between accelerations and decelerations in the rhythm. A map spanned by the Shannon entropy and the asymmetry coefficient allowed to distinguish three different types of dynamics, "clustering" first-return maps with similar structures in given domains of the map. We applied this method to i) 45 adults from Physionet databases, ii) 14 vulnerable infants routinely monitored at the Rouen University Hospital and iii) 10 patients with respiratory failure and mechanically ventilated during sleep. - Aurélie Vallée (PSY.NCA - Université de Rouen)
Characterization of the dynamics underlying mediated interactions of visually impaired and normal teenagers - Binbin Xu, Sabir Jacquir, Stéphane Binczak, Jean-Marie Bilbault (LE21 CNRS UMR 6306, Univ. Bourgogne,
Dijon, France),
Phase Space Reconstruction of an Experimental Cardiac Electrical Signal
Abstract: Cardiac arrhythmias are very common pathologies which can be treated either by medications, invasive ablation procedures or device implantations. In order to improve theses treatments, clinical and experimental models are used to test new drugs. In this context, in vitro cultures of cardiac cells represent valuable models to study the mechanism of the arrhythmias at the cellular level. In this paper, we investigate the stability and robustness of an experimental model in normal and under external stimulation conditions. Phase space reconstructions of attractors in normal and arrhythmic cases are performed after characterizing the nonlinearity of the model, computing the embedding dimension and the time lag. Our results show that the electrical stimulation modifies slightly the embedding dimension. The parameter time lag τ increases when arrhythmia happens. The shape of attractors remains globally similar, although more disturbed in case of arrhythmia than in normal conditions. The correlation dimension qualifies the attractors as strange.
Deadline and submissions
- Deadlines for submission to this satellite workshop: May 12th, 2014.
- Submissions to this satellite workshop must be directly done to the local organizer(s) of the special session.
SW10 - Logistics
- Adnan YASSINE, LMAH EA 3821, Université du Havre, France - Abdelkader SBIHI, Laboratoire METIS, Ecole de Management de Normandie, France
Logistics is the activity which aims to manage the physical flows of an organization between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customer requirements and with the objective of ensuring the resources corresponding to determined needs. With many actors and activities involved in the supply chain, logistics represent mainly a complex system. The arising problems are generally hard to solve, due to their inherent complexity, and in most of the time the stakeholders are seeking a quick response for act accordingly.The main goal of this session is to investigate the recent state-of-the art by contributing to solve logistical problems in term of developing new approaches and modern algorithms. These problems include, but not limited to:
- Modeling and Simulation of Logistics
- Advances in Optimization Models, Algorithms and Resolution methods
- Supply Chain Optimization
- Optimization under Uncertainty
- Planning, Storage and Scheduling
- Transportation, Logistics and Distribution Networks
- Lot-sizing Problem
- Green Logistics: a new Paradigm in Transportation
- Integrated Supply Chain
- Reverse Logistics and Remanufacturing Models
List of papers/presentations
in progress ...Deadline and submissions
- Specific deadlines for this satellite workshop will be proposed.
- Submissions to this satellite workshop must be directly done to the local organizer(s) of the special session.
SW11 - Chaos theory and applications
- Christophe Letellier, CORIA, University of Rouen, France
This session is supposed to bring together peoples developping tools for characterizing chaos, its existence as well as its nature by using a qualitative (topological) or a quantitative approach. These techniques can be also used in some applications in physics, chemistry, engineering, etc.List of papers/presentations
- Bob Gilmore (Drexel University)
"Tale of Two Maps"
Abstract: The logistic map has been used to enrich our understanding of a large class of highly dissipative dynamical systems, especially those contained in a genus-one torus. A different unimodal map can be used to enrich our understanding of highly dissipative dynamical systems contained in tori of genus $g>1$. The two maps are dual in a precise topological sense. The two maps are described and their properties and predictions compared. - Jean-Marc Malasoma (ENTPE))
"Simplest time-reversible chaotic flow"
Abstract: Temperature control in molecular dynamics numerical simulations is an essential task. Nosé resolve this problem during the eighty years by using time-reversible integral feedback to control the kinetic energy [Mol. Phys. 52, 255-268 (1984)]. The dynamics of the so-called Nosé-Hoover oscillator is governed by a set three autonomous ordinary differential equations which exhibit both regular (periodic and quasiperiodic) and chaotic solutions. So far, the Nosé-Hoover system was considered the most elegant and algebraically simplest time-reversible conservative flow with deterministic chaos. Quite recently, the minimal algebraic structure which is necessary to allow chaos in three-dimensional quadratic flows was identified. Unfortunately, this interesting property is based on the strong assumption (not verified by the Nosé-Hoover oscillator) that the divergence of the flow is constant. New theoretical developments, leaving aside this assumption, have uncovered what appears to be the algebraically simplest example of time-reversible chaotic system. - Laurent Larger, Roman Lavrov, Antonio Baylon Fuentes, Maxime Jacquot,
Yanne K. Chembo, V.S. Udaltsov
"Dual Delay Electro-optic Phase Oscillators: a Nonlinear Non-local Dynamics for High Performance Secure Optical Chaos Communications"
Abstract: From the early beginning of chaos communications, delay dynamics have been considered as an attractive solution for obtaining a robust, as well as a highly complex chaotic motion for carrying the data to be hidden within chaos. This infinite dimensional temporal dynamics are moreover popular and relatively easy to design in photonics, in which fiber optics communications are obviously a relevant field of application for novel physical layer encryption approaches. Some of the challenges in this original application of chaos theory are the wide bandwidth provided in the Fourier spectrum by the chaotic motion (for the ability to encode high bit rate digital data), and its non- discernibility from a purely random noise signal (security is related to the inability to extract any deterministic feature from the chaotic motion). In our last attempt to design such a chaotic transmission system, a particular dual delay electro-optic phase oscillator was proposed, successfully addressing these two requirements, additionally to the capability to allow for a robust and accurate experimental chaos synchronization between two distant emitter and receiver. State of the art speed and distance optical secure communications have been obtained, moreover with field experiments over installed commercial fiber optic networks. - Christophe Letellier, Gustavo H. Oliveira Salgado & Luis A. Aguirre
"Fractional-order systems: Does the derivative order differ from a bifurcation parameter?"
Abstract: Fractional-order systems have been investigated in the context of control theory since the early 1990's. They have attracted recent attention to the researchers developing techniques for controlling chaotic behaviours. Nevertheless, many fundamental questions about dynamical properties of chaotic fractional-order systems are still left open. We propose to address a few such questions as, for instance: does the derivative order differ from a bifurcation parameter ? How is the dissipation rate of the dynamics affected by the derivative fractional-order? What is the dimension of the phase space of a fractional-order system? Numerical simulations of known bench systems are used to provide (sometimes partial) answers to such questions. - Adrien Kerfourn
"Phase synchronisation in a ring of Rössler systems" - Luc Pastur, Charles Pivot, François Lusseyran & Christophe Letellier
"Time-delayed feedback control for phase coherent and phase noncoherent chaotic regimes"
Deadline and submissions
- Deadlines for submission to this satellite workshop: May 12th, 2014.
- Submissions to this satellite workshop must be directly done to the local organizer(s) of the special session.
SW12 - Evolutionary Game Theory in Networks and Structured Populations
- Yichao Zhang (Normandie University & ISCN, Le Havre, France)
Evolutionary game theory is one of the key paradigms behind many scientific disciplines from science to engineering. In complex networks, because of the difficulty of formulating the replicator dynamics, most of previous studies are confined to a numerical level. In this workshop, we discuss the ways of analytically investigating the game dynamics in the structrued populations. Any corresponding contribution is welcome.List of papers/presentations
TBADeadline and submissions
- Deadlines for this satellite is May 12, 2014.
- Submissions to this satellite workshop must be directly done to the local organizer(s) of the special session and respect the template given by the general conference submission recommandations
SW13 - Slow-fast dynamics: theory and application
- Nikola Popovic (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Mathematical models in which processes occur on multiple (spatial or temporal) scales are ubiquitous in the physical and biological sciences, and are known to give rise to complex and frequently unexpected dynamics; examples include mixed-mode oscillatory firing in the brain, protein synthesis in bursts during gene expression, and spontaneous wave generation in the Earth's atmosphere, among many others. The underlying models are oftentimes formulated in terms of nonlinear slow-fast differential equations. While their study can hence rely on analytical, asymptotic, and computational techniques from the well-developed theory of dynamical systems, many challenges remain. In this session, we will report on recent progress in the theory and application of slow-fast dynamics, and we will provide a forum for the discussion of current trends, questions, and opinions in the field.List of papers/presentations
- B. Ambrosio (University of Le Havre, France)
Weakly coupled two slow-two fast systems, folded singularities and mixed mode oscillations
Abstract: In this talk, we will focus on the emergence of Mixed Mode Oscillations (MMOs) in systems of two weakly coupled slow/fast oscillators. We will particularly study the existence and properties of a folded singularity called FSN II that allows the emergence of MMOs in the presence of a suitable global return mechanism. After a background on the 3d case, we will present how the theory can be extented to some 4d systems. As FSN II corresponds to a transcritical bifurcation for a desingularized reduced system, we prove that, under certain non-degeneracy conditions, such a transcritical bifurcation exists. We then apply this result to the case of two coupled systems of FitzHugh-Nagumo type. This leads to a non trivial condition on the coupling that enables the existence of MMOs.
(Joint work with M. Krupa and M.A. Aziz-Alaoui.) - E. Benoit (University of la Rochelle, France)
Slow fast vector fields of dimension 2+2
Abstract: The slow fast vector fields are now well known in dimension 1+1 (van der Pol equation is the typical example). The canards are generic in one-parameter family. In dimension 2+1 the folded nodes are the most interesting points. In dimension 2+1 it is the delayed Hopf bifurcation. I will present a complete classification of the generic points in dimension 2+2. Some points give canards as in pseudo-singular points of dimension 3, others give delayed Hopf bifurcation, and some problems appear when these two problems occur simultaneously. I will present a method to visualize the trajectories of such systems in R4. The method gives a new point of view for the system of two coupled van der Pol equations. - S. Fernandez-Garcia (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France)
Canards in planar piecewise linear systems
Abstract: Piecewise linear (PWL) systems are well-known to model faithfully, inter alia, the behavior of electronic circuits. Also, they are proven to reproduce all aspects of nonlinear dynamics and they can even show new behaviors, impossible to obtain under differentiability hypothesis. The fact that one has access to explicit solutions in every linearity zone offers, in principle, better mathematical tractability than their smooth counterpart. However, the lack of differentiability of the system in separations between linearity zones prevents us to obtain a general solution and the classical theory of differential systems cannot be applied. This forces to tacklePWL systems in a different way.PWL systems have also been used to model biological systems, given thatelectronic circuits provide a first approach of the behavior of neurons. Moreover, the existence of canards in smooth models of neurons has been largely investigated.In this talk, we analyze the existence and stablity of canards in a class ofplanar PWL slow-fast systems with three zones, using a singular perturbationtheory approach. Similarities and differences between this non-smooth case and the smooth one are highlighted.
(Joint work with M. Desroches, M. Krupa and A.E. Teruel.) - J.M. Ginoux (University of Toulon, France)
Canards Existence in R^2+2
Abstract: In a previous paper we have proposed a new method for proving the existence of "canard solutions" for three and four-dimensional singularly perturbed systems with only one fast variable. The aim of this work is to extend this method to the case of four-dimensional singularly perturbed systems with two slow and two fast variables. Contrary to previous works, this method does not require a center manifold reduction nor a blow-up technique i.e. a desingularization procedure for pseudo singular points but uses the normalized slow dynamics and not the projection of the desingularized vector field. This method enables to state a unique generic condition for the existence of "canard solutions" for such four-dimensional singularly perturbed systems which is based on the stability of pseudo singular points of the normalized slow dynamics and not of the projection of the desingularized vector field. Applications of this method to the famous coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo equations and to the Hodgkin-Huxley model will enable to prove as many previous works the existence of "canard solutions" in such system. - I. Kosiuk (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany)
Mathematical analysis of complex networks of protein interactions
Abstract: Understanding the process of cell division is a central issue in cell biology. A molecular description and the basic mechanisms of the cell cycle oscillator have been defined through experiments over the past three decades. Due to the complexity of the process, mathematical modelling and simulation are commonly used to gain better understanding of the functioning and dynamics of the cell cycle.In this talk I will present a geometric analysis of a minimal model developed by A. Goldbeter describing the embryonic cell division cycle. It is known from numerical simulations that for certain parameter values and Michaelis constants small in the model interesting oscillatory behaviour emerges. Our geometric analysis provides the explanation and full understanding of the mathematical mechanisms leading to the oscillatory behaviour of proteins related to mitosis of the cell division cycle. I will demonstrate that geometric singular perturbation theory and geometric desingularization based on the blow-up method are well-suited for the analysis of this and related problems. - E. Kutafina (Hasselt University, Belgium)
Complex periodic oscillation patterns in a prototypical three time scale model
Abstract: We consider a simple prototypical three-dimensional model with a folded singularity of saddle-node type and return mechanism. Additionally this model has a three different time scales. We extend the known case with the scales (1,\epsilon,\epsilon^2) to more general (1,\epsilon,\epsilon^\alpha) and show that a change of time scales rates may essentially influence the behavior of periodic solutions. We will present some numerical results on the mixed mode oscillations with SAOs based on two different mechanisms – sector and delayed Hopf bifurcation.
(Joint work with N. Popovic and P. De Maesschalck.) - A. Kuznetsov (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, U.S.A.)
Can a delay differential equation produce relaxation oscillations?
Abstract: One application of delay differential equations (DDEs) is modeling of oscillations in genetic regulatory networks. The delay simplifies modeling because it replaces many unknown reaction steps in the feedback loop that sustains oscillations. However, mathematical analysis of DDEs is difficult because they are infinitely-dimensional by construction and cannot be analyzed by methods common for finite systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). We simulate dynamics in a single delay differential equation and find that the oscillations remain periodic for growing delay if the equation includes only monotonic functions of the variable. Under this condition, we reduce the DDE to a three-dimensional system of ODEs. The resulting system is equivalent to a standard relaxation oscillator. We discuss implications of the similarity of the delay-induced oscillations and hysteresis-based relaxation oscillations. - J. Starke (Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen)
Analysis of particle models by implicit equation-free methods
Abstract: An implicit method for equation-free analysis of slow-fast systems is presented and applied to analyze particle models. It can be shown, that the implicitly defined coarse-level time stepper converges to the true dynamics on the slow manifold. The method is applied to perform a coarse bifurcation analysis of a microscopic particle model describing car traffic on single lane highways. The standard deviation is chosen as a macroscopic measure to investigate traveling wave solutions (traffic jam waves) and is continued on the macroscopic level in the equation-free setup. The collapse of the traffic jam to the free flow solution corresponds in the relevant parameter region at the macroscopic level to a saddle-node bifurcation of the traveling wave. We continue this bifurcation point in two parameters using equation-free analysis. An extension to particle models in two space dimensions leads to pedestrian models. We consider situations where the pedestrian flow shows the emergence of an oscillatory pattern for two crowds passing a narrow door in opposite directions. The oscillatory solutions appear due to a Hopf bifurcation. This is detected numerically by an equation-free continuation of a stationary state of the system. Furthermore, an equation-free two-parameter continuation of the Hopf point has been performed to investigate the oscillatory behaviour in detail using the door width and ratio of velocities of the two pedestrian crowds as parameters.
(Joint work with R. Berkemer, O. Corradi, P. Hjorth, A. Kawamoto, C. Marschler and J. Sieber.) - F. Veerman (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
Pulse patterns in singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion systems
Abstract: Using geometric singular perturbation theory, we construct homoclinic pulse solutions in a general class of singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion systems. Using the same techniques, we extend the construction to incorporate periodic pulse patterns. The stability of the both homoclinic pulses and pulse patterns is analysed using Evans function techniques. Again, the slow-fast structure of the stationary patterns plays a crucial role, and allows us to obtain explicit expressions for the Evans function. The general context in which these techniques are applied leads to new, previously unobserved phenomena. - N. Popovic (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
A geometric analysis of fast-slow models for stochastic gene expression
Abstract: Stochastic models for gene expression frequently exhibit dynamics on different time-scales. One potential scale separation is due to significant differences in the lifetimes of mRNA and the protein it synthesises, which allows for the application of perturbation techniques. Here, we develop a dynamical systems framework for the analysis of a family of "fast-slow" models for gene expression that is based on geometric singular perturbation theory. We illustrate our approach by giving a complete characterisation of a standard two-stage model which assumes transcription, translation, and degradation to be birth-and-death processes of first order. In particular, we develop a systematic expansion procedure for the resulting propagator probabilities that can in principle be taken to any order in the perturbation parameter. Finally, we verify our asymptotics by numerical simulation, and we explore its practical applicability, as well as the effects of a variation in the system parameters and the scale separation.
(Joint work with C. Marr and P.S. Swain.)
Deadline and submissions
- Specific deadlines for this satellite workshop will be proposed.
- Submissions to this satellite workshop must be directly done to the local organizer(s) of the special session.
SW14 - Bio-inspired Computing approaches to Cognitive Hybrid Complex Systems
- László Barna Iantovics (Petru Maior University, Romania) - Camelia Pintea (Technical University Cluj-Napoca, Romania) - Elena Nechita (Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau, Romania) - Adrian Gligor (Petru Maior University, Romania) - Petrică Pop (Technical University Cluj-Napoca, Romania) - Cerasela Crişan (Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau, Romania)
A large number of bio-inspired computational methods have been used at worldwide to solve computationally hard problems in many domains. It is estimated that the biological life that evolved during millions of years will be a fruitful source of inspiration for the development of new computational methods and they will represent an important research direction in the Cognitive Complex Systems mainstream. An essential research direction is represented by the development of highly complex systems that intelligently solve problems of very high difficulty. Such developments are usually composed of a large number of computational components, who interact many times nonlinearly, forming as a whole a complex problem solving system. Hybrid systems are composed from different type of artificial components capable to make computations and/or human specialists that could interact in different points of decisions during the problems solving. The main subject by interest for this workshop is represented by the hybrid complex systems that use methods of natural computing in solving problems. The main intent consist in disseminating some state of the art results and researches in progress related to the theme, which we estimate that will be an important research direction in the near future. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:- cognitive science
- cognitive systems
- artificial intelligence
- bio-inspired computing
- hybrid complex systems
- Fuzzy Systems
- Neural Networks
- Ant Colony Optimization
- computational neuroscience
- evolutionary systems
- modeling complex systems
- agents and multi-agent systems
- complex networks
- decision support systems
List of papers/presentations
TBADeadline and submissions
- Deadlines for this satellite is May 12, 2014.
- Submissions to this satellite workshop must be directly done to the local organizer(s) of the special session and respect the template given by the general conference submission recommandations