L3 Info : PHP et Applications Web
◃  Ch. 11 Some old Stuff (chapitre non maintenu)  ▹

The Model-View-Controllor design pattern in PHP


A few needed technologies

  • HTTP
  • REST
  • Security

Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Application-level protocol for distributed systems. Generic and stateless.

  • Request message (from client to server)
  • Response message (from server to client)
  • Text-based messages / Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) format
  • Messages
    generic-message = start-line
                    *(message-header CRLF)
                    [ message-body ]
    start-line      = Request-Line | Status-Line

HTTP Headers and Entities

message-header = field-name ":" [ field-value ]
field-name     = token
field-value    = *( field-content | LWS )
field-content  = <the OCTETs making up the field-value
                 and consisting of either *TEXT or combinations
                 of token, separators, and quoted-string>

Example request headers and entities

Host: tools.ietf.org
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Accept-Charset: UTF-8,*;q=0.5
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.57 Safari/537.17

HTTP Requests

From the client to the server

Request = Request-Line
          \*(( general-header
            | request-header
            | entity-header ) CRLF)
          [ message-body ] 

Request Line

Request-Line = Method SP Request-URI SP HTTP-Version CRLF

HTTP Methods

  • "OPTIONS": information about the communication options available
  • "GET": retrieve whatever information is identified by the Request-URI
  • "HEAD": same as "GET" message-body in the response
  • "POST": append entity to the existing Request-URI
  • "PUT": store entity as the new Request-URI
  • "DELETE": delete existing Request-URI
  • "TRACE" : see what is being received at the other end of the request chain
  • "CONNECT" : for use with a proxy that can dynamically switch to being a tunnel (e.g. SSL tunneling).

HTTP Responses

Response    = Status-Line
              *(( general-header
               | response-header
               | entity-header ) CRLF)
              [ message-body ]
Status-Line = HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF

Status Codes

  • 1xx: Informational - Request received, continuing process
  • 2xx: Success - The action was received, understood, and accepted
  • 3xx: Redirection - Further action must be taken to complete the request
  • 4xx: Client Error - The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled
  • 5xx: Server Error - The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request

Representational State Transfer

REST is a style of software architecture for distributed systems on top of HTTP.

  • Each resource are accessed through one unique request (URI).
  • Requests are stateless (identification within the URI)
  • Resources are accessed one by one or as collections
  • RESTful web service (RESTful web API)

RESTful Web Services

RESTful API and HTTP methods

Collection URI List elements Replace entire collection Create new element in collection Delete collection
Element URI Retrieve one element Replace existing element *Generally not used* Delete one element
  • Plural may indicate a collection e.g. http://example.com/emails/
  • An id may indicate an element e.g. http://example.com/email/17/
  • URN can be prefixed with API version e.g. https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/home_timeline.json


Too many vulnerabilities exist... But developers are responsible for their code!

Common Attacks

  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
  • Cross-site scripting (XSS)
  • SQL injection

Common Measures

  • Anti-CSRF tokens
  • Forms Timeouts
  • Escape users inputs

Reduce vulnerability... Use frameworks!


The Model–View–Controller Design Pattern

  • Improve the separation of concerns
  • Facilitate automated unit testing
  • Facilitate team work


  • Holds the data
  • Links to persistent storage (DBMS)
  • Ignores other components


  • Representation of data
  • What users see
  • May know the Model


  • Handles users requests
  • Updates Model data
  • Triggers Views

MVC Schema

MVC overview

MVC Sequence

MVC Sequence

A simple PHP script

Show news and allow comments on them.

$connect = mysql_connect('myserver', 'mylogin', 'mypassword');
    $news_id = $_POST['news_id'];
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO commentaires SET news_id='$news_id',
    header("location: ".$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']."?news_id=$news_id");
} else {
    $news_id = $_GET['news_id'];
<!-- [...] -->
<!-- [...] -->
<html><head><title>Les news</title></head>
<h1>Les news</h1>
<div id="news">
  $news_req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM news WHERE id='$news_id'");
  $news = mysql_fetch_array($news_req);
  <h2><?php echo $news['titre'] ?> postée le <?php echo $news['date'] ?></h2>
  <p><?php echo $news['texte_nouvelle'] ?> </p>
  $comment_req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM commentaires
      WHERE news_id='$news_id'");
  $nbre_comment = mysql_num_rows($comment_req);
  <h3><?php echo $nbre_comment ?> commentaires relatifs à cette nouvelle</h3>
  <?php while ($comment = mysql_fetch_array($comment_req)) {?>
  <h3><?php echo $comment['auteur'] ?>
      a écrit le <?php echo $comment['date'] ?></h3>
  <p><?php echo $comment['texte'] ?></p>
  <?php } ?>
<!-- [...] -->
<!-- [...] -->
  <form method="POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ?>"
      <input type="hidden" name="news_id" value="<?php echo $news_id?>">
      <input type="text" name="auteur" value="Votre nom"><br />
      <textarea name="texte" rows="5" cols="10">
          Saisissez votre commentaire
      </textarea><br />
      <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Envoyer">

Various actions are mixed up in this file:

  • Request handling
  • Database update
  • Database lookup
  • Visualization (style?)
  • Security
  • Routing
## The Simplest MVC App Same as previous example, with MVC pattern ### The Model
function dbconnect() {
  static $connect = null;
  if ($connect === null) {
    try {
      $connect = new PDO("mysql:dbname=simplemvc;host=", 'pigne', 'n2EfCJYFx6CExzSX' );
      $connect->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
    } catch (PDOException $e) { echo 'Connection failed :( : ' . $e->getMessage(); exit;}
  return $connect;
/* [...] */
/* [...] */
function get_news($id) {
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM news WHERE id= :id";
    $sth = dbconnect()->prepare($sql);
    $sth->execute(array(':id' => $id));
    if($sth->errorCode() == 0) {
      return  $sth->fetch();
    else {
      return array();
  }catch (PDOException $e) { echo 'Select comments failed: ' . $e->getMessage(); exit;}

function get_comments($news_id) {
  try {
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM commentaires WHERE news_id= :news_id";
    $sth = dbconnect()->prepare($sql);
    $sth->execute(array(':news_id' => $news_id));
    if($sth->errorCode() == 0) {
      return  $sth->fetchAll();
    else {
      return array();
  }catch (PDOException $e) { echo 'Select comments failed: ' . $e->getMessage(); exit;}
/* [...] */
/* [...] */
function insert_comment($comment) {
  $connect = dbconnect();
    $sql =  "INSERT INTO commentaires SET news_id= :news_id , " .
    "auteur= :auteur , " .
    "texte= :texte , " .
    $sth = $connect->prepare($sql);
    $sth->execute(array(':news_id' => (int)$comment['news_id'],
      ':auteur' => $connect->quote($comment['auteur']),
      ':texte' => $connect->quote($comment['texte']),
  } catch(PDOException $e) { echo 'Insert failed: ' . $e->getMessage(); exit;}

The View

<html><head><title>Les news</title></head>
  <h1>Les News</h1>
  <div id="news">
    <h2><?php echo $news['titre'] ?> postée le <?php echo $news['date'] ?></h2>
    <p><?php echo $news['texte_nouvelle'] ?> </p>
    <h3><?php echo $nbre_comment ?> commentaires relatifs à cette nouvelle</h3>
    <?php foreach ($comments AS $comment) {?>
    <dt><?php echo $comment['auteur'] ?>, le <?php echo $comment['date']?>:</dt>
    <dd><?php echo $comment['texte'] ?></dd>
    <?php } ?>
    <h3>Un commentaire ?</h3>
    <form method="POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ?>" name="ajoutcomment">
      <input type="hidden" name="news_id" value="<?php echo $news['id']?>">
      <input type="text" name="auteur" placeholder="Votre nom"><br>
      <textarea name="texte" placeholder="Saisissez votre commentaire"></textarea><br>
      <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Envoyer">

The Controller

require ('simpleModel.php');
  header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
  header("location: {$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?news_id={$_POST['news_id']}");
} else {
  $news = get_news($_GET['news_id']);
  $comments = get_comments($_GET['news_id']);
  $nbre_comment = sizeof($comments);
  require ('simpleView.php');

PHP MVC Frameworks

Many of them

  • Agavi
  • CakePHP
  • CodeIgniter
  • Copix
  • Dynatrix
  • FuelPHP
  • Gest-HVSL
  • Hoa
  • Jelix
  • Kinkama
  • Kohana
  • MODx
  • Open Web Framework
  • Postnuke
  • QCodo
  • Symfony
  • TemplatePP
  • Yii Framework
  • Zend Framework
  • Joomla! Platform