- Auger P., Académie des Sciences, France
- Bourgine P., ISC, Paris, France
- Chen G., City University of Hong-Kong
- Chua O.L., University of California at Berkeley, USA
- Demongeot J., IUF, TIMC Grenoble, France
- Françoise J.-P.,UPMC, Paris 6, France
- Grebogi C., University of Aberdeen, UK
- Pumain D., ISC, Paris, France
- Rossler O., IPTC, Tubingen, Germany
- Siljak D.D., Santa Clara University, USA
- Cyrille Bertelle, University of Le Havre, France
- Xinzhi Liu, University of Waterloo, Canada
- M.A. Aziz-Alaoui, University of Le Havre, France
- M. Aziz-Alaoui, LMAH, Le Havre, France
- Stefan Balev, LITIS, Le Havre, France
- Cyrille Bertelle, LITIS, Le Havre, France
- Nathalie Corson, LMAH, Le Havre, France
- Antoine Dutot, LITIS, Le Havre, France
- Rawan Ghnemat, LITIS, Le Havre, France
- Frédéric Guinand, LITIS, Le Havre, France
- Rabah Labbas, LMAH, Le Havre, France
- Djamila Moulay, LMAH, Le Havre, France
- Damien Olivier, LITIS, Le Havre, France
- Yoann Pigné, LITIS, Le Havre, France
- Claire Roussin, LITIS-LMAH, Le Havre, France
- Nathalie Verdière, LMAH, Le Havre, France
- Adnan Yassine, LMAH, Le Havre, France
- Abdulrab H., INSA Rouen, France
- Bouzid M., University of Caen, France
- Caputo J.-G., INSA Rouen, France
- Cherrier E., ENSI of Caen, France
- Daude E., University of Rouen, France
- Elissalde B., University of Rouen, France
- Letellier C., University of Rouen, France
- Mutabazi I., University of Le Havre, France
- Afraimovich V., IICU, University of San Luis Potisi, Mexico
- Ahmed N.U., University of Ottawa, Canada
- Akhmet M.U., Middle East Technical University,Turkey
- Ayesh A., De Montfort University, UK
- Banos A., LIV, Strasbourg, France
- Barbot J.P., ENSEA, Cergy, France
- Basin M., Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico
- Belykh I., Department of Mathematics and statistics, Georgia State University, USA
- Biswas S.K., Temple University,USA
- Bollt E.M., Clarkson University,USA
- Boukas E. K., Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada
- Boutayeb M., Strasbourg University, France
- Chavalarias D.,CREA, Ecole polytechnique, France
- Collet P., Centre de Physique théorique, Ecole polytechnique,Paris
- Cotsaftis M., LTME/ECE, Paris, France
- Courbage M., Université Paris Diderot Paris 7, France
- Danca M.F., Avram Iancu University, Romania
- Datta B.N., Northern Illinois University, USA
- Diehl, M., K.U.Leuven, Belgium
- Duan, Z., Peking University, China
- Duchamp G.H.E., Paris XIII University, France
- Elwakil A.S., University of Sharjah, Emirates
- Gerdts M., University of Birmingham at Edgbaston, UK
- Ginoux J.-M., PROTEE, Toulon, France
- Gulyas L., Lorand Eotvos University, Hungary
- Han Q., Central Queensland University, Australia
- Ho D., City University of Hong Kong
- Hong, L.,Wright State University, USA
- Ishitobi, M., Kumamoto University, Japan
- Jost C., University of Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
- Kolumban G., Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
- Kurths J., Postdam University, Germany
- Lam L. University of Hong Kong
- Letellier C., University of Rouen, France
- Li B.-L., California University, USA
- Li T., Tsinghua University, China
- Lozi R., Nice University, France
- Lu Jinhu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Mao X., University of Strathclyde, UK
- Migorski S., Jagiellonian University, Poland
- Momani S., Mutah University, Jordan
- Mordukhovich, B.S., Wayne State University, USA
- Müller J.-P., CIRAD, Montpellier, France
- Odibat Z., Al Balqa Applied University, Jordan
- Paolini E., Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina
- Respondek W., INSA Rouen, France
- Rossetto B., PROTEE, Toulon, France
- Sanjuan M., Department of physics, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Espana
- Shen, X., University of Waterloo, Canada
- Smith R., North Carolina State University, USA
- Tang W.K.S., City University of Hong Kong, China
- Teo K.L., Curtin University of Technology, Australia
- van Wyk M., University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
- Volny D., University of Rouen, France
- Wang P.K.C., University of California at Los Angeles, USA
- Ying H., Wayne State University, USA
- Yong J., University of Centra Florida, USA
- Yu P.,University of Western Ontario, Canada
- Yue W., Konan University, Kobe, Japan