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    Emergence, Agents Organisations, Simulation, Clustering, Ants.
    Simulation and Emergent Structures
    The work presented in this paper takes place in the context of the
    analysis of the global behaviour of an agents population. This agents
    population can be made of implicit and/or explicit organisations.
    Explicit organisations are statically defined at the design step as in
    Aalaadin model for example (Ferber and Gutknecht 1998)
    in terms of groups and roles. As a consequence, each agent may
    interact with others according to these organisations. On the
    contrary, implicit organisations appear during the execution of the
    multi-agent system and can evolve with time. They correspond to a
    particular behaviour and/or state of a subset of agents resulting from
    the current state of the system and from the context in which its
    execution takes place.  Such phenomena are observed very often in
    multi-agent systems and especially in simulation ones. Indeed, in the
    simulation domain, the goal is to design multi-agents systems being
    able to reflect the behaviour of real entities and to manage multiple
    kinds of interactions between them. These interactions can lead to
    emergent (Cariani 1992; Jean 1997) phenomena.  In (Servat
    et~al. 1998a), summarises characteristics of an emergent phenomenon as
    follows : "First the emergence phenomenon lies to a certain extent in
    a shift of our vision of things. Secondly, emergent phenomena reveal a
    shift in the behaviour of the whole". Thus, emergent phenomena
    appearing inside a simulation are often the expression of a
    significant evolution in the world which is simulated. More precisely,
    these emergent phenomena are generally made of aggregations of quite
    similar agents which correspond to a higher description level of the
    simulated world. They represent some kinds of abstractions of some
    parts of these worlds.
    For example, in MANTA (Drogoul et~al. 1995), a multi-agent simulation
     of ants societies, a kind of division of work between ants
     appear. This distribution is not coded in the behaviour of each ant.
     However, these emergent social groups can be of interest to
     understand the behaviour of an ants society.
    [Cariani, P. 1992.]
     Emergence and artificial life.
     In Langton et Al editors, Artificial Life II, pages 775-797, Addi
    [Drogoul, A.; Corbara, B. and Lalande, S. 1995.]
     MANTA: new experimental results on the emergence of (artificial) ant
     In  artificial societies: The Computer Simulation of Social Life, pages 190-211, Conte and Gilbert editors.
    [Ferber, J. and Gutknecht, O. 1998.]
     Aalaadin: a meta-model for the analysis and design of organizations
      in multi-agent systems.
     In  ICMAS'98.
    [Jean, M.~R. 1997.]
     Emergence et SMA.
     In  Proceedings of the 5th JFIADSMA. Hermes.
    [Servat, D.; Perrier, É.; Treuil, J. and Drogoul, A. 1998a.]
     When agents emerge from agents: introducing multi-scale viewpoints in
      multi-agent simulations.
     In Conte and Gilbert, editors, LNAI series, volume 1534.
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