Réseaux d'Interactions


GraphStream librairies et documentation et autres outils

Lab 1: introduction to GraphStream

This first lab aims at, installing the development environment and, introducting GraphStream. The pdf file of the lab is here

Lab 2: Building a Network

This lab focuses on the construction and the analysis of a Complex Network from data. Build the network made of actors of movies and series by using IMDB database.

  1. collect the data about movies and actors on the DB
  2. Graph Model. What might be the nodes and the links of your network?
  3. Once built, compute the degree distribution of nodes
  4. How many connected components constitute the graph?

Lab 3: Broadcasting and Dynamics

  1. Download the classes MoveAndBroadcast, Generator and Tools. Put them into an iwocs package and run MoveAndBroadcast.
  2. For different values of d (the communication radius) and nbNodes (the number of stations), compute and represent the evolution of:
    • the graph density
    • the average degree
    • the E-DynamicScore
  3. Modify the graph dynamics such that at each time step:
    • p nodes (between 0 and k) are removed from the graph
    • q nodes are added (another number between 0 and k) and are randomly positioned on the graph
  4. Implement a flooding broadcasting strategy. What are the conditions on d, nbNodes and k, for the information to be always present in the graph?


  1. Introduction
  2. Complex Networks Analysis
  3. Mobility Models
  4. Broadcasting

