GraphStream librairies et documentation et autres outils
- GraphStream libs
- GraphStream Memento.
- GraphStream javadoc
- Pour dessiner des courbes simplement (degré moyen, distribution spatiale des sommets,
centralités, etc), vous pouvez utiliser gnuplot
Lab 1: introduction to GraphStream
This first lab aims at, installing the development environment and, introducting GraphStream.
The pdf file of the lab is here
Lab 2: Building a Network
This lab focuses on the construction and the analysis of a Complex Network from data.
Build the network made of actors of movies and series by using IMDB database.
- collect the data about movies and actors on the DB
- Graph Model. What might be the nodes and the links of your network?
- Once built, compute the degree distribution of nodes
- How many connected components constitute the graph?
Lab 3: Broadcasting and Dynamics
- Download the classes MoveAndBroadcast, Generator and Tools. Put them into an iwocs package and run MoveAndBroadcast.
- For different values of d (the communication radius) and nbNodes (the number of stations), compute and represent the evolution of:
- the graph density
- the average degree
- the E-DynamicScore
- Modify the graph dynamics such that at each time step:
- p nodes (between 0 and k) are removed from the graph
- q nodes are added (another number between 0 and k) and are randomly positioned on the graph
- Implement a flooding broadcasting strategy. What are the conditions on d, nbNodes and k, for the information to be always present in the graph?
- Introduction
- Complex Networks Analysis
- Mobility Models
- Broadcasting