Emeritus Professor, Computer science, 27 section
Havre Normandie
University, LITIS research laboratory,
25 rue
Lebon, BP 540,76058 Le
Havre Cedex,
Univ - Université Le Havre Normandie – France
Tel. (33)
35 47 24 64
in French
- Maried, 3 childrens
- Born in 1951
- 1974-1975:
Assistant at University of
Aleppo, Syria
- 1980-1982
Assistant at Strasbourg University
(ULP), France.
- 1985-1988 : Assistant Profesor at Jeddah
and Ryadh University, Saudi
- 1988-1992
: Research associate at Limoges University, France.
- 1992-2019
: Associate professor at Le Havre
University, France.
Since 2019
: Emeritus Professor at Le Havre University
1984: Doctorat d’État es Sciences Mathematics (mention very honorable),
Franche-Comté University, Besançon, France
1979: PhD in Computer Science "Doctorat de 3 éme cycle" (mention very
honorable), Franche-Comté University, Besançon, France
1977: Master's degree (with mention ), Franche-Comté University,
Besançon, France
1974: Bachelor’s Degree in mathematics (with mention very well),
University of
Aleppo, Syria.
Subjects taught at the Le Havre University
2 MATIS : Modèles
discrets : évolution et auto-organisation (french
courses): Discrete and distributed simulations.
- Master
2 (DEA ITA) Rouen
Le Havre : Scheduling in distributed computing systems.
- DESS & Master 2 Professionnel SIRES : Distributed Databases (french courses) with Oracle
- Database administration with Oracle.
- Computer Architecture and Assembly
- Introduction to Networks
- Unix System Administration
Master's theses supervision Le Havre University (in frenche)
Mise en œuvre d'un
algorithme d'ordonnancement efficace,
aux pannes dans un réseau
hétérogène, Bertrand SAINTES, 2008.
- Politiques de
sélection dans les algorithmes génétiques : Application au problème du
voyageur de commerce Stéphane ESSAYIE, 2010.
- Algorithmes Itératifs Asynchrones
sur un Système Distribué
Volatile, Manel
SLOUGUI, 2013.
- Implémentation
en Java et Simulation via Anylogic, d’algorithmes de re-routage de
camions pour aller chercher des conteneurs frigorifiques vides,
code source_java, Noel Camara, Mamadou Saliou Dile Diallo, 2020/2021.
- Parallelization of non-numerical algorithms.
- Study of the impact of variations in the parameters of
the distributed environment (Processor,
Network) on the quality of scheduling.
- fault-tolerant scheduling.
- Dynamic graphs.
- Physical Internet: Applying Internet Principles to
Participation in
scientific project
- Project APLog
Amélioration de la Performance
Logistique 2011-2015
- Project CLASSE
: Corridor
Axe Seine et Son Environnement 2016-2019.
- Project RIN FuMa : Futur de la marchandise (Optimisation de
processus logistiques et évaluation de la
de ces processus), 2019-2022.
- "Scheduling
Tasks with Communication Delays on Multi-Levels Clusters" ,
M. Nakechbandi.,
J.-Y. Colin, P. Colin, and F. Guinand
, PDPTA'99
: Parallel and Distributed Techniques and Application, June
1999, Las Vegas, U.S.A. (1999)
- "Bounding the makespan
of best pre-schedulings
of task graphs with fixed ;
communication delays and random execution
times on a virtual distributed system"; NAKECHBANDI M., J-Y Colin., C. Delaruelle, OPODIS'02:
International Conference
On Principles Of DIstributed
Systems, Reims; pp 225-233 (2002)
- "Application of
polygons intersection to safe
communication in networks" ; M. Nakechbandi,
M.A. Aziz Alaoui, SEG
in JICCSE-2004, AltSalt,
Jordan, october (2004).
- "A multi-valued
DAG model and an optimal
PERT-like Algorithm for the Distribution of Applications on
Heterogeneous Computing Systems"; J-Y Colin.,
JP. Colin , PDPTA'05
: The International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing
Techniques and Applications ; pp 876-882 (2005)
- Une
heuristique pour un ordonnancement tolérant aux pannes dans
un système hétérogène de
serveurs distribués ;
M. Nakechbandi,
J.-Y. Colin, META'2006: Métaheuristiques
Théorie et Applications, 2-4 Nov
2006 Hammamet, Tunisie. (2006)
- "An efficient
fault-tolerant scheduling
algorithm for precedence constrained tasks in heterogeneous distributed
systems" ;
M. Nakechbandi,
J.-Y. Colin, J.B. Gashumba,
IEEE International CoSeptember
2014nference on Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering
(SCS² 06) CISSE 2006 December 4-14
Bridgeport, USA, 2006. Published in : Innovations & advanced
techniques in computer & information sciences &
engineering, Springer, pp 301-307, (06-2007).
- "An Algorithm
and Some Numerical Experiments
for the Scheduling of Tasks with Fault-Tolerancy
Constraints on Heterogeneous Systems" ; M. Nakechbandi,
J.-Y. Colin, Workshop on Optimization Issues in Grid and Parallel
Computing Environments in HPCS.08, pp 326-332,
Nicosia, Cyprus (2008).
- "Area Failures
and Reliable Distributed
Applications" ;
M. Nakechbandi,
J.-Y. Colin, ICCES 09 : 2009 International
Conference on Computer Engineering & Systems , Cairo, Egypt
- "A new strategy
of selection and crossing in
the genetic algorithms: Application to the Travelling Salesman Problem"
; M. Nakechbandi,
J.-Y. Colin, M.-L. Baron, ECDC (2010).
- "Scheduling
Tasks and Communications on a
Hierarchical System with Message Contention" ; J-Y Colin and
M. Nakechbandi, ADCN'11 :
International Symposium on Advances
of Distributed Computing and Networking, 2011, Melbourne,
Published in : Springer 2011, Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel
Processing, Part II, Yang Xiang,Alfredo Cuzzocrea,Michael Hobbs,Wanlei
Zhou (Eds.),
Springer 2011, pp 89-98.
- "Seaching
Shortest Path in Weakly Dynamic Graphs" , J-Y Colin, M. Nakechbandi,
A.S. Ould Cheikh,
: European Conference on Complex Systems, Brussels(2012).
Published in : Springer Science & Business Media, Aug 15, 2013
- Science, Thomas Gilbert, Markus Kirkilionis,
Gregoire Nicolis(Eds.),
pp 137-144.
- " Problème
de transport dans un graphe
faiblement dynamique", A. S. Ould
J-Y Colin
and M. Nakechbandi, GOL'12
: 1st International IEEE Conference on Logistics Operations Management,
17-19 October, Le Havre (2012)
- "Route Planning
in a Weakly Dynamic Undirected
Graph", J-Y
Colin, A. S. Ould Cheikh,
M. Nakechbandi, 1st International
IEEE Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (ICALT.2013),
May 29-31, 2013 in Sousse, Tunisia (2013).
- "Routing and
Rerouting in Territorial Systems
Modeled by Weakly Dynamics Graphs " M. Nakechbandi,J-Y
Colin, A. S. Ould Cheikh,
within ECCS'13,
September 16-20, 2013, Barcelona, Spain
- "Routage
et reroutage dans un
réseau dynamique géographique",
Fête de la Science (2013).
- "Arbres
couvrants minimaux dans les graphes faiblement dynamiques", J-Y Colin, M. Nakechbandi, H. Mathieu, journée
Réseaux Véhiculaires (REVE),
06 Juin 2014.
- "Computing
Dynamic Routes in Maritime Logistic
Networks", J-Y Colin, M. Nakechbandi, H. Mathieu,
Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL), Hamburg,
September 2014.
- Computing
Dynamic Routes in Maritime Logistic
Networks, J-Y
ColinM. Nakechbandi, and H. Mathieu, ICCSA
2014, Normandie
University, Le Havre, France, June 23-26, 2014.
- "Management of
mobile resources in Physical
Internet logistic models",
J-Y Colin, M. Nakechbandi, H. Mathieu, ICALT
2015, 4th IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Logistics & Transport,
Valenciennes, France, (2015).
- A Proposal for
an Open Logistics
Interconnection Reference Model for a Physical Internet", J-Y Colin, H. Mathieu, M. Nakechbandi, GOL'16,
The 3rd
International IEEE Conference on Logistics Operations Management, 23-25
May 2016, FEZ-Marocco
- "Minimum Spanning Trees in
Weakly Dynamic Graphs">, M. Nakechbandi, J.-Y. Colin, H.
10th International Colloquium of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
April, 27-28 2017 , Rabat, (2017).
Proposal for an Open
Logistics Interconnection Reference Model" J.-Y. Colin,H. Mathieu,
M. Nakechbandi, IPIC17,
- "Physical Internet:
A study of
the Container Layer in the NOLI Reference Model", M. Nakechbandi,
J.-Y. Colin, H. Mathieu, EURO 2018,29th European
Conference on Operational Research, Valencia, Spain, July 8-11, (2018).
- “Toward
a formal language of interactions between the Physical Internet
Layers” J.-Y. Colin, M. Nakechbandi, H. Mathieu , IPIC18,IPIC
2018 -
5th International Physical Internet Conference, June 18-22, 2018,
University of Groningen, the
- "Ideas
on reference models, formal languages
and communication design patterns in a physical internet", J.-Y.
Colin, M. Nakechbandi, H. Mathieu, 7th IEEE International Conference on
Advanced Logistics
& Transport ICALT 2019, Jun 2019,Marrakech, Morocco (2019).
- La
gestion des ressources mobiles rares dans un
Internet Physique sans ressources dédiées , M. Nakechbandi, J.-Y.
Colin, H. Mathieu, LOGISTIQUA, International Colloquium
of Logistics pan> and Supply
Chain Management, Edition 2019, Paris Montreuil, France , juin
- "Studying
the Rerouting of Empty Carriers during their Return Trips to Manage
Rare Mobile Resources in a Physical Internet", M. Nakechbandi,J.-Y.
Colin, GOL’20, The 5th.
IEEE International Conference on Logistics Operations Management,
October 28-30,(2020), PDF of the presentation.
- Langages
formels et modèles de conception de communication dans un
Internet physique, M. Nakechbandi, J.-Y. Colin, Journée
de séminaire projet FUMA animé
par Cyrille Bertelle et Claude Duvallet,
Le Havre, 6-7, (2020) PDF of the presentation
Other Publications : Dissertation and Theses (in frenche).
- Le
jeu de Mastermind,
algorithmes, rapport de stage de D.E.A.,
l’Université de Franche-Comté,
(année scolaire
- Quelques
problèmes numériques et non numériques
en calcul parallèle (résumé). Thèse de 3ème
cycle de l’Université de Franche-Comté,
1979. Direction : M . Trehel.
- Algorithmes
parallèles dans les problèmes combinatoires (résumé).
Doctorat d'Etat ès-sciences, Université de
Franche-Comté, 1984. Direction : M. Trehel.
- Member of
the Scientific Council of Le Havre University (2001-2003).
- Member of the (Computer science) 27th section specialist
commission of the Le Havre
University (2001-2004).
- Coordinator of
the parallel computing team in the computing laboratory of Le Havre
- Member of the
commission for the validation of acquired knowledge at the IUT (Le Havre University)
- Reviewer
for Journal of Supercomputing.
de recherche : LITIS
- Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Traitement
de l'Information
et des Systèmes
EA 4108, équipe
- Réseaux d'Interactions et Intelligence Collective"