l-system EPNADS'05   
Emergent Properties in Natural and   
Artificial Dynamical Systems   



The aim in this session is to study emergent properties arising through dynamical processes in various types of natural and artificial systems. The session is concerned with multidisciplinary approaches for getting representations of complex systems and using different methods to extract emergent structures. Equations formulation can lead to the study of emergent features such as self organization, opening on stability and robustness properties. Invariant techniques can express global emergent properties in dynamical and in temporal evolution systems. Artificial systems such as a distributed platform for simulation can be used to search emergent placement during simulation execution. Special attention is paid to bio-complexity (but not limited to this topic) where global emergent properties can be detected.


November Thursday 17th, 2005
Maison Heinrich Heine

  • 08h50 : M. Aziz Alaoui, C. Bertelle
    • Introduction to the workshop
Session 1
Chairman: G.H.E. Duchamp

11h00-11h30 : Coffee break
Session 2
Chairman: M. Cotsaftis

12h45-14h30 : Lunch
Session 3
Chairman: C. Bertelle

17h00-17h30 : Coffee break
Session 4
Chairman: M. Boutayeb
