EPNACS - Emergent Properties in Natural and Artificial Complex Systems
September 15, 2011,
a satellite meeting for
Vienna, Austria.
The 8th ECCS world's largest gathering of researchers in COMPLEX SYSTEMS will be held in Vienna, Austria, on 12-16 September, 2011. You are cordially invited to submit a paper to our Satellite Meeting in this Conference, which is the 4th one we have organizing in ECCS meetings, after:
- EPNADS'05 organized in the 2nd European conference of ECCS in Paris, France in 2005;
- EPNACS'2007 organized in the 4th European conference of ECCS in Dresden, Germany in 2007;
- EPNACS'2010 organized in the 7th European conference of ECCS in Lisbon, Portugal in 2010.
The aim of this 4th event from EPNACS series is to study emergent properties arising in natural and artificial dynamic networks. The meeting is concerned with multidisciplinary approaches aimed at exploring, visualizing, modeling and simulating large scale dynamic networks, in order to detect their emergent communities, to analyse self-organizing processes and to characterize their evolution. Linking the morpho-dynamics of complex networks with the dynamical processes they convey is, for example, one of the target questions this meeting will address. Another key issue concerns the identification of general properties of these dynamic complex networks in various natural and artificial systems (urban networks, ecosystems, neuronal networks, etc). Concepts, applications and implementations covering these issues are welcome.
This meeting will be organized in two parts:
- The first part concerns traditional papers submissions and oral presentations on the topics previously developed.
- The second part concerns practical sessions oriented on dynamical networks
analysis and engineering. In this context, a practical session on GraphSteam
library http://graphstream-project.org/
will be organized.
- G1 is out:
Topics of interest
- Topological properties of complex networks in interaction with dynamic processes they host/convey
- Morphodynamics of complex networks
- Probabilistic modeling of/on complex networks dynamics
- Adhoc networks - implementation and libraries
- Exploring and visualising large scale dynamic networks
- Detecting communities in large scale dynamic networks