l-system EPNACS'2007  
Emergent Properties in Natural and  
Artificial Complex Systems  

- EPNACS'2007 -
Emergent Properties in Natural and
Artificial Complex Systems
Dresden, Germany
October 4-5, 2007

A Satellite Conference within
the 4th European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS'07),
Central Lecture Hall (Hörsaalzentrum),
Dresden University of Technology
Dresden, Germany



The 4th ECCS world's largest gathering of researchers in COMPLEX SYSTEMS will be held in Dresden, Germany, on 1-5 October, 2007. You are cordially invited to submit a paper to our Satellite Conference in this Conference, which is the second one following the one we organized in the 2nd European conference of ECCS in Paris, France in 2005, see EPNADS'05 and the edited book (by Springer) which is the outcome of this first EPNADS meeting.

The aim in this Satellite Conference is to study EMERGENT PROPERTIES arising through dynamical processes in various types of natural and artificial systems. The session is concerned with multidisciplinary approaches for getting representations of complex systems and using different methods to extract emergent structures. Equations formulation can lead to the study of emergent features such as self organization, opening on stability and robustness properties. Invariant techniques can express global emergent properties in complex and dynamical evolution systems. Artificial systems such as a distributed platform for simulation can be used to search emergent placement during simulation execution. Special attention is paid to bio-complexity (but not limited to this topic) where global emergent properties can be detected.


October Thursday 4th, 2007

  • 08h50 : M.A. Aziz-Alaoui, Cyrille Bertelle
    • Introduction to the workshop
Session 1: Concepts and tools for complexity modelling
Chairman: Gérard H.E. Duchamp

10:40-11:00 - Coffee break
Session 2: Geographical systems complex modelling
Chairman: André Dauphiné

12:40-14:10 : Lunch
Session 3: Natural dynamical systems
Chairman: Michel Cotsaftis

16:05-16:30 : Coffee break
Session 4: Applications to artificial systems
Chairman: Cyrille Bertelle or M.A. Aziz-Alaoui


Main topics of interest (but not limited to)

  • Self-organisation modelling
  • Evolutionary models
  • Complex modelling methodology
  • Complex modelling for decision support systems
  • Control and synchronisation of chaotic dynamical systems
  • Dynamics control through invariant properties
  • Dynamic graph-based models
  • Efficient data structures
  • Combinatorics of modelling
  • ...
using tools borrowed from various areas:
  • Computer Science
  • Mathematics, Applied Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Geography
  • ...

Organizers :

Scientific Committee

  • Abdulrab H., Professor, INSA-Rouen University, France
  • Ayesh A., A-Professor, De Montfort University, UK
  • Aziz-Alaoui M.A., Professor, Le Havre University, France
  • Babkin E., A. Professor, Higher School of Economics, Russia
  • Bennani Y., Professor, Paris XIII University, France
  • Bertelle C., Professor, Le Havre University, France
  • Boutayeb M., Professor, Strasbourg University, France
  • Chen G., Professor, City University of Hong-Kong
  • Cotsaftis M., Professor, LTME/ECE, Paris, France
  • Dauphiné A., University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France
  • Duchamp G.H.E., Professor Paris XIII University, France
  • Elissalde B., Professor, University of Rouen, France
  • Ginoux J.-M., A-Professor, PROTEE, Toulon, France
  • Grebogi Celso, Professor, King's College University of Aberdeen, UK
  • Guinand F., Professor, Le Havre University, France
  • Iantovics Barna, Professor, Mures, Romania
  • Letellier C., Professor, CORIA, Rouen University, France
  • Li B.-L., Professor, California University, USA
  • Lozi R., Professor, Nice University, France
  • Lu Jinhu, Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  • Malasoma J.M., A-Professor, ENTPE, Lyon, France.
  • Mutabazi I., Professor, Le Havre University, France
  • Olivier D., A-Professor, Le Havre University, France
  • Odibat Z., A-Professor, Al Balqa Applied University, Jordan
  • Perrier E., Research Director, IRD Bondy, France
  • Provitolo D., Chargée de Recherche CNRS, University of Franche-Comté, France
  • Rossetto B., Professor, PROTEE, Toulon, France
  • Sheta A., A-Professor, Al Balqa Applied University, Jordan


  • August 15, 2007 : Deadline for submitting full paper
  • August 29, 2007 : Notification of acceptance or rejection
  • August 31, 2007 : Workshop registration, see: ECCS'07
  • September 05, 2007 : Authors provide camera-ready manuscripts


Prospective authors are invited to submit an abstract or a complete manuscript using the following Easychair web site Easychair for Epnacs 2007. Please follow the instructions of this website and start to register and obtain an account as an author. This will allow you to follow the submission and review processing and to be added in the mailing list.

Author kit

The final version of the articles for submission must be sent by email using the LaTeX Springer author kit archive.

This author kit is intended for multi-authors book and a part of the material is intended to the editors. You will have to focus only on the author material and documentation. In this archive, you will find a LaTeX example, author.tex, in the directory templates. The final result is given by the file authsamp.pdf. The style to use is in the directory styles. Some documentation are included, especialy, quickstart.pdf and authinst.pdf.


All the accepted papers will be published in a special edition ... May be as a book within Springer Underdtanding Complex Systems series.

Other important information will be done online, ASAP, on this web-page.

Accomodation and fees

See the web site of ECCS'07