The aim of this workshop is to concern itself with the use of emergent computing
and self-organization modelling within various applications of complex systems.
We focus our attention both on the innovative concepts and implementations to
model self-organizations, but also the relevant applicative domains
which can use them in an efficient way.
For the first part, collective intelligence and dynamic combinatorics
are conceptual tools which can be used to model self-organization processes.
For the second part, the workshop sollicites contributions on some specific applications
which are environmental complex systems modelling, territorial intelligence,
emotion-cognition interactions modelling and on data mining.
Different sessions will be developed covering the following topics:
- Interaction networks and dynamic data structures:
We focus our attention for this session, on self-organization models based on
collective intelligence concepts like artificial ant systems or immune systems.
In more general way, we expect some innovative works on emergence computation
from interaction networks which are nowadays powerful tools for modelling complexity.
A special care will be adressed to dynamic structures which motion
can follow some properties or can be in correspondance to some enumerative
structures. The associated evolutionary systems which can be modelled by these structures,
are often built on elementary transition rules and lead to emergent properties.
The goal is to find a better understanding of evolvable complex systems by these
methodologies. Applications from these models are welcome.
- Environmental complexity modeling and territorial intelligence:
Territorial management must be nowadays understood and modelled in complex
way to lead to sustainable development based on environmental, economical,
social and political purposes. To achieve in these goals and to be able to
propose some efficient decision support systems, we have to care on the
two complementary aspects:
- Natural complex systems which are typically complex systems.
Simulations are often used to describe
some complex interaction networks between involved species. The detection of
dynamical natural structures or organizations like food chains is one of the
great challenge of the Individual Based Models (IBM). This session deals with
some generic methodologies which allow to model the detected organizations
inside the simulations during its run. The study of the evolution and the
stabilization of such detected structures are
welcome for this session. Multi-scale processes, heterogeneous modelling
are some thrilling solutions for example.
- Artificial systems which are typically territorial and urban systems.
These systems are complex self-organizing systems and we focus our attention
on spatial-temporal conceptual implementations. Some relevent models
are nowadays based on the mixing of Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
and Multi-Agent Systems (MAS). Decision Support Systems models
for territorial or urban development are welcome.
- Emotion and Cognition Interaction:
Cognition is typically the result of complex processes.
Many works try to give some formal description to better understanding
the involved complex interactions.
We suggest here, for example, and without exclusivity,
some contributions on the interaction emotion-cognition-action,
both on experimental or clinical approaches but also on modelling approaches.
Multi-disciplinary studies are welcome like neuro sciences, behavioral approaches,
psychology, neuro-psychology and artificial intelligence.
The related problematic are
- links between emotion and problem solving processes
- links between emotion and decision making processes
- computational modelling
- emotion, affect, mood, motivation
- appraisal and copying approaches
- complexity concepts (self-organization, catastroph theory, dissipative structures) for emotion modelling
- Data Mining and its applications
Data mining adds to traditional data management, a complex vision where information treatment
from generally huge data bases and the associated processes interact. The track sollicites papers
on the following topics:
- Foundations of Data Mining
- New Traditional Methods, i.e. classification, clustering, association Rule, etc
- Sequences and sequential Data Mining
- Spatial and temporal Mining
- Text Mining
- KDD Process
- Data pre-processing, data reduction, feature selection, and feature transformation
- Quality assessment, interestingness analysis, and post-processing
- Human-machine interaction and visual data mining
- Security, privacy, and data integrity
- Mining unstructured Data in Domains such as
- Bioinformatics, computational chemistry, geoinformatics, and others
- Computational finance, online trading, and analysis of markets
- Intrusion detection, fraud prevention, and surveillance
- Healthcare, epidemic modeling, and clinical research
- Customer relationship management
- Telecommunications, network and systems management
October Tuesday 23th, 2007
Keynote Speech
Chairman: Cyrille Bertelle
- Renate SITTE
About the Predictability and Complexity of Complex Systems
Session 1: Transport and traffic flow
Chairman: Cyrille Bertelle
- An Caris, Gerrit K. Janssens and Cathy Macharis
A Simulation Approach to the Analysis of Intermodal Freight Transport Networks
William Conley
A Non-Linear transportation Problem with One Hundred Variables
Gábor Lencse, Győr and László Muka
Investigation of the Spatial Distribution Algorithm of the Traffic Flow Analysis of the Entity Flow Phase analysis
Ourania Hatzi, Stephanos Thomas, Vassilis Dalakas, Mara Nikolaidou and Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos
An Integrated Environment for Traffic Flow Simulation Using Cellular Automata
Session 2: Conceptual Models and Tools for Complexity Analysis
Chairman: Jean-Marc Ginoux
Katrien Ramaekers and Gerrit K. Janssens
A simulation-optimisation framework for determining a best strategy in inventory decision making and demand forecasting for intermittent demand
Jean-Marc Ginoux and Bruno Rossetto
Invariant Algebraic Manifolds of Differential Systems
Antoine Dutot, Frederic Guinand, Damien Olivier and Yoann Pigne
On the Decentralized Dynamic Graph Coloring Problem
Luai Jaff, Cyrille Bertelle and Gerard H.E. Duchamp
Control on System Diffusion Using Genetic Automata
Pierrick Tranouez and Antoine Dutot
Building upon Fast Multipole Methods to detect and model organizations
Ian Oliver
Design and Validation of a Distributed Computation Environment for Mobile Devices
October Wednesday 24th, 2007
Session 3: Adaptation and self-organization applications
Chairman: Cyrille Bertelle
Krzysztof Skrzypczyk
Time-Optimal Adaptive Target tracking by a Mobile Robot
Karim Mahboub, Cyrille Bertelle, Véronique Jay and Evelyne Clément
Emotion: appraisal-coping model for the “Cascades” problem
Cyrille Bertelle and Rawan Ghnemat
Swarm Intelligence, from natural social systems, for artificial social systems
Kifaya Qaddoum and Fadi Thabtah and Cyrille Bertelle
On the Use of Ant Colony in Associative Classification
Rawan Ghnemat and Cyrille Bertelle and Gerard H.E. Duchamp
On the Use of Generalized Derangements for Schelling’s Model of Segregation
The submission must follow
the ESM'2007 process
Submit your proposal
- Abdulrab H., INSA Rouen, France
- Ayesh A., De Montfort University, U.K.
- Babkin E., Higher School of Economics (Nihzny Novgorod), Russia
- Bertelle C., Le Havre University, France
- Clément E., Rouen University, France
- Cotsaftis M., LTME/ECE, Paris, France
- Duchamp G.H.E., Paris XIII University, France
- Thabtah F., Philadelphia University, Jordan
- Guinand F., Le Havre University, France
- Gulyas L., Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary
- Hadj Kacem H., Sfax University, Tunisie
- Iantovics B.L., Petru Maior University of Tg. Mures, Romania
- Jay V., Le Havre University, France
- Odibat Z., Al-Balqa'Applied University, Jordan
- Olivier D., Le Havre University, France
- Perrier E., Research Director, IRD Bondy, France
- Sheta A., Al-Balqa' Applied University, Jordan
- Tranouez P., Le Havre University, France
To any additional informations, please contact the following organizators using this
- Bertelle C., LITIS, Le Havre University
25 Rue Ph. Lebon, BP 540, 76058 Le Havre Cedex, France.
- Duchamp G.H.E., LIPN, Paris 13 University
99 avenue Jean-Baptiste Clement, 93430 Villetaneuse, France.
- August 30, 2007 : Submission of full papers (5 to 8 proceeding pages)
- September 15, 2007 : Notification of acceptance or rejection
- October 1, 2007 : Authors provide camera-ready manuscript
- October 22-24, 2007: ESM 2007 Conference & CoSSoM'07 workshop at St Julian's MALTA
See the web site of the
ESM'2007 conference.